It's a library
This is not an executable that you have to tweak with config files, it's a library that you import and use, so you just write code and it does exactly what you want.
write your custom relay with code over configuration
's power It allows you to create a fully-functional relay in 7 lines of code:
func main() {
relay := khatru.NewRelay()
db := badger.BadgerBackend{Path: "/tmp/khatru-badgern-tmp"}
relay.StoreEvent = append(relay.StoreEvent, db.SaveEvent)
relay.QueryEvents = append(relay.QueryEvents, db.QueryEvents)
relay.DeleteEvent = append(relay.DeleteEvent, db.DeleteEvent)
relay.ReplaceEvent = append(relay.ReplaceEvent, db.ReplaceEvent)
http.ListenAndServe(":3334", relay)
After that you can customize it in infinite ways. See the links above.